Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)
Our goal is to provide a 10-week research experience to undergraduate students with diverse backgrounds. These students will work on their own research project together with a faculty mentor in physics and astronomy and a team of graduate students and postdocs within a research group. Example projects span four major themes described below connected by the common concept of waves. The REU program synergizes with other interdisciplinary STEM summer research programs across the Washington State University (WSU) campus in Pullman Washington to enable unique social activities and professional development opportunities. The end of the internship culminates in a poster presentation at the WSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium in early August.
2024 REU Dates: May 28th – August 3rd
In addition to a $7000 stipend, student travel and housing are covered as well as a paid 1-day trip to tour the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) to hear from scientists there about their experiences in research and professional career opportunities.
Application Deadline: February 4, 2024 – Application Information
For general inquiries please email
Program Directors: Brian A. Collins & Anya Guy
Support for this program comes from the National Science Foundation and Washington State University Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Phonons and Shockwaves
Example Projects (Mentors)
Quantum Wavefunctions
Example Projects (Mentors)
- Quantum Optics and Quantum Networking with Atomic Ensembles and Arrays (Yefeng Mei)
- Measuring spin transfer in alkali-metal/noble-gas atomic systems (Brian Saam)
- Few- and Many-Particle Quantum Systems (Qingze Guan)
- Modern optics for matter wave experiments (Peter Engels)
- Investigations of ultracold atom dynamics in optical lattices (Steven Tomsovic)
Photons in Applied Materials
Example Projects (Mentors)
Waves Revealing the Cosmos
Example Projects (Mentors)
Inland Northwest in the Summer!
- Jet boat tour of Hells Canyon
- Native American Cultural Events
- White Water Rafting
- Mountain Hiking/Camping
- Fly Fishing
Official Day Trip to LIGO and PNNL!
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory, Hanford, WA
Professional Development and Networking
Offered Every Year
- Minicourse on how to conduct effective research
- Workshop on writing scientific abstracts
- Workshop on making a scientific poster
- Workshop on applying to graduate school
- WSU Summer Research Symposium: Present your poster with 80 other Undergraduate STEM students from interdisciplinary fields across the WSU campus