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Anya Guy

Scientific Interests and Work:

Dr. Anya Guy’s primary work is implementing research-based instructional practices in undergraduate physics courses. Currently, she is developing an undergraduate Learning Assistant Program to support the implementation of active-learning curriculum in WSU’s large enrollment introductory physics courses and revamping the Physics and Your World (Physics 150) course to better meet the needs of WSU students working towards their elementary education and middle science teaching endorsements.

Dr. Guy also has ongoing high-pressure physics projects with the McCluskey research group.


Anya Guy is a Ph.D. alumna of the Washington State University Physics and Astronomy Department and completed her graduate research under Prof. Matthew McCluskey. During her graduate studies, Dr. Guy had the opportunity to spend a year in residence at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab as a doctoral fellow working at the Advanced Light Source. Her research uncovered several high-pressure phase transitions of indium selenide.

After graduating from WSU, Dr. Guy has devoted her career to physics education, first teaching physics as a lecturer at Eastern Washington University before finding an unusual frontier in STEM education, corporate training at Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL). At SEL, Dr. Guy led a team of fellow STEM educators in developing a math and science employee development program. In 2019 she left SEL to begin pursuit of a personal goal to section hike the Pacific Crest Trail. After hiking ~1300 miles on the PCT, Dr. Guy returned to the WSU Physics and Astronomy Department in 2020 as a Teaching Assistant Professor.


Ph.D. (Physics), 2016, Washington State University
M.Sc. (Physics), 2013, Washington State University
B.Sc. (Physics), 2010, Walla Walla University

Anya Rasmussen

Assistant Professor, Career Track

Office: Webster Physical Sciences 1248
Fax: (509) 335-7816
E-mail: anya.guy at